Our Milestones

Makwedeng milestones


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1. Established November 2003 as a provider with the Transport Sector Education and Training Authority (TETA) and achieved full accreditation within 6 months during 2004.

2. Personnel appointed to serve on the Transport and Logistics Standard Generating Body from 2003 till 2010 when the SGB was dissolved.  The responsibility was the provision of Qualification design and development, unit standard writing, the compilation of Learnerships, the provision of inputs to policies and procedures for the Transport SETA through representation of the WDEA (Warehousing and Distribution Enterprise Association).

3. During 2004 was appointed by TETA for the implementation of the Pilot: General Education and Training Certificate in Transport which required the transfer of learning to 50 enrolled learners and the transfer of skills to two organisations relating to the managing and hosting of Learnerships.

4. Compiled and developed own learning programs during 2004 for:

5. Appointed by the Spar Group South Africa during 2005 to launch a bakery project for all Spar Store personnel throughout South Africa which lead to the establishment of the Makwedeng satellite in the Western Cape (Cape Town run by Wynand Nienaber).

6. 2005 Makwedeng hosted its first learner graduation ceremony in Durban for the GETC project of TETA.

7. During 2006 Makwedeng developed learning material and obtained accreditation for the National Diploma: Freight Handling Logistics NQF 5 SAQA ID: 58473 (Logistics Management) which was benchmarked in Belgium within the Wallonia Logistics Hub before being submitted to TETA for accreditation.

8. During 2007, Makwedeng converted from a CC to a (Pty) Ltd and established offices in Gauteng Pretoria.  Makwedeng also extend the scope to include the National Certificate Shop Floor Practices and the National Certificate Wholesale and Retail Distribution NQF 2 SAQA ID: 49280 with the Wholesale and Retail SETA.  Further to this, Makwedeng also extended the scope with TETA to include the National Certificate Freight Forwarding and Customs Clearing NQF 3 SAQA ID: 59365.

9. During 2008 Makwedeng extended their scope with TETA to include the National Certificate Transport NQF 3 SAQA ID: 48437.

10. During 2012, Makwedeng was appointed by the Belgian Consul as their preferred service provider to assist with the implementation of learning within South Africa:

11. During 2013, Makwedeng was appointed by Transnet Port Terminals to run the first Recognition of Prior Learning Project for them nationally.  The project addressed 2 post profiles, that of the port worker and the driver.  During this time Makwedeng also worked on the development of the National Certificate Supply Chain Management with the assistance of the University of Liege for international benchmarking.  Makwedeng obtained extension of scope with TETA for the benchmarked program with NQF Level 5 SAQA ID: 74149.  2013 also saw Makwedeng personnel being selected to serve as a Community Expert Practitioner for the development of occupational programs for the Quality Council for Trade and Occupational learning.  This led to the development of the freight handler and the supply chain practitioner programs.

12. During 2014, Makwedeng obtained endorsement from SAPICS and CIPS for further certification of learners that have completed the 74149 qualification successfully.  Makwedeng also obtained entry to the FIATA Diploma in Supply Chain Management for learners that have completed 74149 successfully through the South African Association for Freight Forwarders.

13. During 2017, Makwedeng embarked on developing learning materials addressing the handling, storing and distribution of pharmaceutical products.  This led to the appointment of Makwedeng to RAM Transport to develop their Standard Operating Procedures for the handling and transporting of pharmaceutical products.

14. During 2018, Makwedeng achieved recognition for the development of pharmaceutical materials and was appointed by USAID to develop humanitarian supply chain learning materials.  Further to this Crown Agent appointed Makwedeng to assist with the role out of learning within Malawi addressing the handling, storing and distribution of pharmaceutical products.  Further to this, Makwedeng has accreditation with the QCTO for the below qualification:

15. June 2020 we launch Public Learning.



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